With over 10 years of experience innationally renowned law firms, Pedro Dalosto is recognized for his ability todevelop multidisciplinary legal solutions for complex issues.
He stands out in the defense of publicofficials and private individuals in investigations and proceedings related tocrimes against Public Administration, economic and financial crimes, acts underthe Anti-Corruption Law, administrative misconduct, disciplinary infractions,among other illicit acts.
He holds a postgraduate degree in CriminalProcedure from the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCRIM),completed in partnership with the Institute of Economic and European CriminalLaw (IDPEE) of the University of Coimbra.
Currently, he serves as a Counselor at the CRPS (Social Security Appeals Council), aposition that enhances his expertise in matters related to Public Law.
+55 61 3223-2030
SHIS QL 02, conjunto 01, casa 17 – Lago Sul Brasília/DF
CEP 71610-015